10AM & 1pm
2 Gatherings - sunday MAY 19th

As we prepare for two gatherings in August we are testing two gatherings with volunteers and Sunday missional families this Sunday May 19th. Please organize with your missional family as to which gathering you will attend.

FVC Families
Preparing kids and teens for lifelong growth in Christ.
Connect Night is our middle school youth night where we connect youth in Seoul to Jesus, each other, and the local church. We meet at FVC on a Friday night at 5:30 PM. We eat dinner together, so please bring 10,000 to 15,000 KRW for food. The night includes hanging out, a message, and games!

October 4
November 1 22
December 6
Common Ground is our high school youth night for grades 9-12. We create a space for high school youth in Seoul to come together for a common purpose: to worship Jesus and enjoy community. We meet at FVC Friday at 5:30 PM. The night includes games, worship, a message, and time to hang out.

October 11 25
November 8
December 13
If you have any questions about either Connect Night or Common Ground please don't hesitate to contact Pastor Levi levi@freedomvillage.church
Freedom Kids
Ages 3 to 3rd Grade
Learn More
4th to 5th Grade
Learn More
6th to 12th Grade
Learn More
Ages 0 -2

Nursery & New Parents Room

Available during both gatherings

Nursery services provided during the worship service
2nd Floor - Yellow Room
New Parents Room also available with video
2nd Floor

Prioritizing Christ

Christ and His Word are at the center of all we do. There is no lasting change without the work of Christ in our lives. Therefore, we seek to address the students’ need to understand their role in the greater plan of God.

Partnering with Parents

We understand that parents are the primary ministers to their kids and teens. We strive to come alongside parents and provide support, materials, and encouragement so that spiritual conversations are continually happening in the home. 

Life on Life Discipleship

We believe that godly examples are essential for effective discipleship. Therefore, we aim to cultivate godly mentorship through spiritual discussion and intentional community.

Age 3 - Preschool


Dismissed after worship during the gathering.
10AM - 2nd Floor - Green Room
1:30PM - 2nd Floor - Blue Room

Kindergarden to 3rd Grade


Dismissed after worship during the gathering.
10AM - 2nd Floor - Blue Room
1:30PM - 2nd Floor - Blue Room


The Godly Play curriculum is rooted in story, wonder, liturgy, discovery and joy as children seek and find the mystery of God's presence, nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.

Freedom Kids

Junior Village // 4th-5th Grade

Dismissed after worship during the gatherings. 10AM & 1:30PM (1st Floor)

Our junior villagers are reflecting on what it means to follow Jesus and learning how to abide in Him.
At Village Youth and Junior Village our students are taken through a progression of reflecting on what it means to follow Jesus, learning to apply the truths of the Bible to their lives, and studying God’s Word with the aim of understanding how to live as followers of Christ in today’s world.

Village Youth // 6th-12th Grade

Youth Room (1st Floor) 12:10PM - 1:00PM between both gatherings.

Our youth are working through themes of the Bible with an emphasis on Bible study methods and application.